Wednesday, 16 January 2013

National Colleges Champs Gold!

After the earliest start for a long time, I woke up, got my gear together, missed a few buses and arrived at college just in time to catch the mini bus to the climbing centre where the TNCCA Championships were being held. It soon became clear that being one of the youngest in my school year I was the youngest competitor on the day.

After a long journey we had eventually arrived at the Rock and Rapid Climbing Centre in South Molton. The competition was split into several categories ((Bouldering and Speed Climbing) and (Top-roped routes and Circuit)). As I'm doing training my endurance for a upcoming trip at the moment I decided to do the routes and circuit, I also did the individual lead comp too. It soon became clear that being one of the youngest in my school year I was the youngest competitor, I was competing against people much much older...

I quickly got through the team event and onsighted each route and lapped the 25 move circuit 6 times but then had to stop due to time constraints, luckily the furthest others got was 22 moves which was the middle of hard bouldery section.

Towards the end of the circuit
Photo by: Briony Martin

Then it was time for the lead comp, the first route was graded at F7a and topping this would qualify you for the final route which was F8a. I was first on the route and felt strangely nervous due to some very reachy looking moves which may have been greater than my span! I managed to top it without any trouble in the end. I relaxed for the second route; after about 5 minutes rest I got called up to go first on the second route! Having no time to read the route I set off feeling a little tired but I was soon through half way and with a little bit of screaming and missing three clips along the way (no rule about missing clips) I made it to the top feeling a little pumped! After me several very strong climbers tried the route but none manages to top the route leaving me with 1st place overall.

Qualifying route
Photo by: Briony Martin

After this I had a long journey home, a sleep on the bus and the one arriving home I went for a nice long run. Tomorrow I am going to train at Dartrock for a session on a monster project which I have put together (V9 boulder into 7c, reverse a 6c then a (different) V9 boulder and finish up another 7c)! On Friday and Saturday I will be heading to Anstey's Cove where I am looking forward to possibly trying 'Tuppence' a classic F8b.

Thanks for reading and thanks for everybody involved!